August 15, 2024
Johnson County Courthouse
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
a. Bryan Jacobs
b. John Edmiston
c. Ben Pierce
d. Karen Strohmeyer
e. Diane Thompson
f. Tim Bernt
g. Olivia Bloom
h. Lisa Richter
i. Also in attendance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Committee Reports
a. Finance
b. Fundraising
c. Legal
d. Building and Grounds
e. Marketing and Communication
f. Length of Stay
g. Shelter Updates
h. Strategic Planning
6. New Business:
a. Board Position Appointments
b. Building maintenance specifically those items that cannot be handled in house by Chris
c. Procedures for animals not being returned
7. Unfinished Business:
a. Dress Code and Enforcement
b. Hourly reporting for employees
c. Camera Installation
d. Duplicate donation being refunded
8. Any Other Business to Come Before the Board
9. Closed session per MoSR 610.021